Pin the tail on the donkey. We also played "find the lost horses."

Playing "hot horse" same as hot potato

The candle just would not blow out. Mommy finally helped and it went out.

Alyssa and her friends.
The horse cake. Of course we couldn't leave out Dora.

Enjoying cake and icecream. Notice who was able to sit by the birthday girl.

Opening presents with her friend Big E in the background.

This tea set was one of the highlights of the party. All the girls oohed and aahed over her tea set. And as you can see Nathan enjoyed it too.

Alyssa was playing tea party with Nathan. She told us she was going to marry him and Josh. (see the last picture of this entry) Aparently she thinks she has it all figured out.

Alyssa and her "Aunt" Tiffany. They are good buds.

Alyssa and Joshua put the horse puzzle together