Wednesday, December 3, 2008

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth.............

Alyssa has lost her two front teeth just in time for Christmas. She is a little unsure about this new look but we are enjoying teasing her and she enjoys the fun.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Our little Girl

Here are a few more pics of our precious little girl. We are enjoying her very much. John only enjoys her when she is not crying. He asked if we could sell her and get a boy, when she was crying the other day. He is always thinking up something. Alyssa loves having a baby sister.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Our New Arrival

Our beautiful baby girl was born on Sunday. Her name is Emily Grace. She is doing great. More pics to come later.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Little Buddies

I was recently just taking pictures outside for fun. I took these few pictures of the kids together. I am so glad they are truely little buddies. They play together so well, most of the time. I just enjoy watching them. Now we will see what happens when number three enters the picture.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Our Little Man

John had the privelate of being a little ringbearer in a wedding on Saturday. ( It was one of Greg's co-workers.) He was such a Ham. He stood still for pictures, walked down the isle very slowly, and took the rings to the best man during the ceremony. I never new a 3 year old could be so good. So anyway here are some pics of him being a little Man. He was dissappointed at the end of the day and with a sigh said "No more Wedding?"

The wedding party
John and Alyssa

Taking a nice picture

With the flower girls

Standing and waiting

John with the Groom

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

John's first go-kart ride

John has always had a need for speed. So of course go-karting is right up his alley. He smiled the whole time and they were really going to fast for an action picture so these are before they left. He loved every minute!

Monday, August 11, 2008

What is on Fire?

We had an adventureous weekend! We started out by going to family camp and meeting up with some of our great friends. The Bums decided to follow us home wich we were very excited about. They helped with our Sunday services wich was a huge blessing. We then went to action city and had a great time playing and fellowshiping. We went back to there motel for a swim and then the girls went to dinner and the guys went to a baseball game. I guess this is when the fire started. On our way back we recieved a phone call from our husbands that the motel was on fire they were staying at. Well, if you know our husbands, you would know they like to "get us going". So we were not believing the tail at all. So as we drove closer and smelled the smoke and then saw the smoke we were a little suprised. But in it all we saw the Lord and he is always amazing. No one was hurt and the Bums were able to get all there stuff out later that evening. They also were moved to a very nice motel where they enjoyed the rest of there time in eau claire. So here is a few pics of our adventureous weekend.
Kendra and Alyssa enjoying action city

Daddy and John going for a go-kart ride!

Family camp

And of course the FIRE!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Big Accomplishment

Alyssa has graduated to no training wheels. We took them off on a Friday and by Tuesday she was ready to go on a long bike ride. She is riding everywhere and enjoying her new freedom. I cannot believe how big she is getting.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Dress up Days

One of my most enjoyable times as a mom is watching my kids come up with crazy dress up outfits. They love it and it is cheap to pick up things at garage sales or thrift shops. Here are a fews pics I am sure they will want to burn later in life but I enjoy the laugh now. Sometimes Grandpa evens joins the fun. He thought he would look good on a Harley in his princess helmet.

Monday, July 7, 2008

On the Move

I know I have not blogged a lot lately. My excuse is moving. We found a nice 3 bdrm with a yard and so we have moved. I will try to be a little more current now.
This is the kids in front of our new place.
I even have a rose bush. It was a bonus.

I believe that is a pinecone?

Monday, June 9, 2008

Changed the Name

As many of you may know we voted the change the name of our church. So as not to confuse anyone, we are now Victory Baptist Church. Please pray for us as all the changed take place during this process of changing the name. We are so greatful to the Lord for his guidance during this process.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Best Friends

We recently were in watertown and it happened to be mothers day weekend. The ladies at Fellowhip graciously invited Alyssa and I to a ladies tea. Alyssa was able to catch up with her friend Kendra. They met in the church nursery and have been two peas in a pod ever since. They cherish each moment together now though because they live 3 hours apart. Here are a few pics of them enjoying there few precious hours together.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Discovering New Places

As you may know we moved about 10 months ago, I love finding new, free places to take the kids. Many times this means a park. I found this park on my way to a Dr. Appt. and took the kids there a couple of weeks ago. It is beautiful. It is right along the river and has a huge playground. (The little girl is one of my daycare kids. )

This slide is huge. Both of my kids climbed the stairs thinking they were going down. They chickened out when they looked down the slide.

Something over there was definately more interesting than getting there picture taken.

A little ride on the tire swing.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Three Little Blessings

As many of you may know we have struggled to get pregnant. Well finally after two years the Lord blessed us with Alyssa. I call her our little miracle because I was beginning to wander if we would ever have children. She is our first little blessing. Then after another three years the Lord blessed us with Johnathan. He was our second little blessing.

And now the Lord has chosen to bless us with our third little blessing. Yes, I am pregnant. I am due in October. The kids are absolutely thrilled. So all of our kids are three years apart. Many people have commented on how we planned that all just perfect. No, the Lord in his time has chosen to give us these three little miracles. We are rejoicing to know our third little blessing.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What Happens When There is Only One Spoon?/ Easter Pics

So the answer to the question is, You each lick one side. My kids love licking spoons or beaters when I am cooking and so when there was only one spoon they both licked a side. It was kind of commical to watch them.

The kids on Easter in there Easter outfits. They cooperated this year a bit more than last year.