Monday, September 8, 2008

Our Little Man

John had the privelate of being a little ringbearer in a wedding on Saturday. ( It was one of Greg's co-workers.) He was such a Ham. He stood still for pictures, walked down the isle very slowly, and took the rings to the best man during the ceremony. I never new a 3 year old could be so good. So anyway here are some pics of him being a little Man. He was dissappointed at the end of the day and with a sigh said "No more Wedding?"

The wedding party
John and Alyssa

Taking a nice picture

With the flower girls

Standing and waiting

John with the Groom

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

John's first go-kart ride

John has always had a need for speed. So of course go-karting is right up his alley. He smiled the whole time and they were really going to fast for an action picture so these are before they left. He loved every minute!