Wednesday, February 21, 2007

One fun day

I thoroughly enjoy being able to be with the kids all the time. These are just a few pictures of the fun we have during the day. They bring much joy and laughter to our lives.

We took Alyssa bowling on a church activity and Daddy took this in action shot.

Alyssa taking care of one of her babies. Clearly the rabbit is being well taken care of.

John has always loved sitting in this chair and he helps his sister take care of her babies. He also thoroughly enjoys wearing her Dora boots.
Peanut butter sandwiches can be sooo delicious.
Alyssa loves to see herself on the camera. So she smiles big.

John wearing his hat and glasses that he enjoys running around the house in.
John loves to wear these glasses and sometimes even wheres a hat as you can see above.
Alyssa takes her turn to smile for the camera too.

John smiles for the camera.
Alyssa and John love having there picture taken. They are all smiles on this fun day.

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