Monday, August 27, 2007

Another Good-Bye

As many of you know we have been very close to Phil and Tiffany for the past almost 3 years. Our apartments for the past year have been back to back and we spent a lot of time with them. The Lord has seen fit to seperate our live through great distance. Phil and Tiffany went to Florida this past month. We went to say good-bye and help a bit with packing. Our kids litterally think they are family. In fact when we went to take a picture of all of us Alyssa said "we need another family picture." We will miss them terribly but we do have this awesome internet to keep in touch. So anyhow, here is our last day with our great friends. Hopefully sometime soon we can see each other agian.

Good o'l pals

Phil and John

Phil and Alyssa

The Whole Gang

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