Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Snow, Oh so much snow!

We didn't let the snow stop us from having fun. We received about 12in of snow that night and the previous day. Church was canceled and Greg cleaned the sidewalks. In some areas there was four feet of snow from the wind making drifts. Alyssa has been waiting all winter to make a snowman and she finally was able too.

Tiffany was not to excited about the snowman, being from California, but we all had a great time building the snowman.Building our snowman

John was not impressed with the snow. He could not walk properly.

Alyssa and the snowman

John stands in the trench we dug to get to our door. We also threw snowballs at each other. John thoroughly enjoy getting me.
John stands in the snow. He is too light to sink to the bottom of the pile.

There is so much snow, John uses it for little seat just his height.

Greg had to dig his car out of the Sn0w.
Even the bushes were covered in the deep snow.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Karen, I'm glad you have a blog now. They're so much fun! Cute pics from Chicago. I can't believe you guys took the kids downtown.:-)
You and Tif are crazy....!